Safety and Compliance
Standards and Regulation
ASTM publishes standards regarding playground surfaces. The following are those that our company meets or exceeds for our installed systems.
ASTM F1292 - Critical Fall Height Impact Attenuation - This standard establishes a test procedure to determine the critical fall height for the impact attenuation of playground surfacing materials installed within the use zone of playground equipment.

ASTM F2075 – Engineered Wood Fiber Playground Surfacing - This standard defines the test procedure to classify a product as Engineered Wood Fiber. The surfacing must pass ASTM-1292 for impact, meet a certain particle size, pass a hazardous metals test and a tramp metal test.

ASTM F1951 – Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment - This standard defines the test procedure to test for firmness and stability to make sure the surfacing is accessible.

ASTM F3012 – Loose Fill Rubber Playground Surfacing - This standard defines the test procedure to classify a product as Loose Fill Rubber. The surfacing must pass ASTM-1292 for impact, meet a certain particle size, pass a sharp and tramp metal test.
ASTM F3351 – Specified Fall Height Impact Attenuation - This standard defines the test procedure to test a surface for impact attenuation at a specified height..
ASTM F3313 – Field Test at a Specified Fall Height Impact Attenuation - This standard defines the test procedure to test a surface for impact attenuation at a specified height in the field.

F2479 – Guide Specification for Poured in Place Rubber Surfacing - ASTM also publishes Guides (verses a full ASTM Standard). This guide defines what the characteristics should be for poured in place rubber surfacing, such as passing ASTM-1292, 1951 and other durability requirements.

Compliance and Standards IPEMA
IPEMA's independent certification program tests products to specific ASTM surfacing standards.
You can search for specific IPEMA certifications via the website,

Compliance and Standards The standards to which our products are tested.

Compliance and Standards
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (“CPSC” or “Commission”) Public Playground Safety Handbook was first published in 1981 under the name A Handbook for Public Playground Safety. The recommendations in the Handbook are focused on playground-related injuries and mechanical mechanisms of injury; falls from playground equipment have remained the largest single hazard pattern associated with playground use. Maintaining the focus on falls, the Handbook’s surfacing recommendations are based on the surfacing material’s energy absorbing effectiveness.

Compliance and Standards
The Department of Justice (DOJ) 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design provides guidance on the law requiring accessible routes within a playground, which must pass ASTM F 1951-21 Standard Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under or Around Playground Equipment) and ASTM 1292 Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surfacing Materials Within the Use Zone of Playground Equipment.
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